The Annual Requiem
of the Guild will
take place in
November of 2025,
Please check back
at a later date for
more information.
The Annual Requiem will be streamed live on Vimeo, Facebook and YouTube. It will also be available on demand for viewing after the event.
Pictures of past
Requiem Masses >


What is the Guild of all Souls?
The GUILD OF ALL SOULS, founded in England in 1873, is an ecumenical Prayer Guild which seeks to promote the Church's teaching in regard to the Faithful Departed. The American Branch was granted independence in 1889. Its objects are:
• Intercessory prayer for the Dying and for the Repose of the Souls of the Departed.
• To encourage Christian customs at burials, especially the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
• To promote the two great doctrines of the Christian Creed: "The Communion of Saints" and "The Resurrection from the Dead."
The Following are particularly commended to the prayers of members:
• The restoration of the use of the Rite of Anointing the Sick, commonly called Holy Unction.
• The restoration of the primitive custom of reserving the Holy Eucharist for the sick and dying.
The Guild publishes and distributes literature pertaining to the objects, life and work of the Guild. The Guild aids struggling congregations in providing vestments and other accoutrements for Requiem Mass as able.
Privileges of Guild Members
• Members are prayed for annually on the anniversary of their death by the members of the Guild, and have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for the benefit of their souls.
• Members may obtain the prayers of the Guild for departed relatives and friends as well as enrolling them as Posthumous Members of the Guild.
Duties of Guild Members
• To say, once a week, the PRAYERS > for the Dying and Deceased Members of the Guild by name.
• To attend a Requiem on All Souls Day, for deceased Members and All Souls.
• To say, monthly if possible, a Litany of the Faithful Departed.
• To support all Devotions for the Faithful Departed in the Parish Church.
• Priest members are expected to celebrate Mass, if possible, at least once a year, on behalf of the Guild; and are urged to offer Masses of Requiem, regularly, and as a matter of course at the burial of the Dead.
• To arrange that upon their death immediate notice shall be sent to the Secretary.